Sunjit Chawla

I live in Arlington and own property in Arlington, Bennington, Shaftsbury and elsewhere in Vermont. I am a registered Independent.

I firmly believe Kathleen James and Seth Bongartz have the leadership and experience to continue their hard work at making Vermont a better place to live and prosper for all current Vermonters and future Vermonters looking to relocate to our slice of heaven. As someone whose only source of income and assets are reliant upon steady, rational and evidence-based approaches to legislation, I have full confidence that Reps. James and Bongartz are the right folks for the job.

Further, I cannot imagine anyone in good conscience voting for their opponent, someone who does not firmly believe in our democracy and our free and fair elections, someone who was in Washington on Jan. 6 to participate in the potential overturning of the results of a free, fair and democratic election. I wonder how he will respond to future losses as a representative. How can someone so susceptible to conspiracy theories be a good representative of their constituents? He cannot.

Sunjit Chawla
